WELCOME to Empowered YOU Solutions, I'm so happy that you have found us!
Imagine a life where you always KNOW what is best for you! Where you KNOW which path to take, and which decisions to make for your higher good in all things: health, relationships finances, and spirituality. You're easily attuned to your emotional clues, having them work with you and not against you; while having a clear understanding of your greatest gifts and how best to share them with the world.
Imagine waking up each day and having a drive, a purpose, and clear direction on what to do to fulfill your greatest aspirations each and everyday, attuned to your mass fortune that is literally waiting for you to discover!
I know what you're thinking right about now, "Dream on, Dream Weaver!" :)
All of this may seem too far-fetched for you at the moment, and that's okay. The great thing is that you found this website. My goal is to inspire you, to coach you and to help you discover your inner power, and to provide you with the tools to truly KNOW YOU, inside and out!
Here at Empower YOU Now Consulting, we will use many methods to help you discover the WHOLE YOU, the POWERFUL YOU & the PROSPEROUS YOU!!! My background consist of over 30 years of combined study of personal and professional experience in Spiritual/Personal Development and Entrepreneurship. It started with a deep curiosity wanting to know more about myself, and humanity and understanding how we all fit in this Great Big Universe. Match that with my unwillingness to give-up my personal time & freedom to anyone or anything that I truly didn't believe in and my deep rooted desire to help others reach their full potential and so began my personal guide to Empowerment.
This curiosity and determination has lead me on some pretty interesting paths; however through each experience there seemed to always be a common theme in both areas - which I couldn't ignore or deny, if I wanted to!
1. There Is A True Formula For Success
2. We Are So Much More Than What We Appear To Be
The GREAT NEWS is that we all have the answers within us! We are all emotional, energetic beings; we were born with a natural way of understanding our surroundings and whether we are in tune with our higher purpose or not. We were designed to KNOW THIS! We have been given this amazing Emotional Guidance System (EGS) that can literally be your personal guide to Empowerment or a life of misery...
Believe it or not, YOU ARE GEARED FOR SUCCESS! Within you lies all of the answers which you are seeking. Within you is this "breadcrumb trail" if you will, to your TRUTH and in knowing who you really are... If you only know how to use it!
"Man is a Bundle of Possibilities, and his only business in life is the "express business" -- or the business of expressing his/her inner self" Eric Butterworth
We all have this Inner Wisdom (or the ability to connect to your Higher-Self), which will continue to show us glimpses of our greatness and our potential within. Your Higher-Self wants YOU to succeed, you are not meant to live a life of continual struggle! Believe it or not, you are here to have joyous experiences. Yes you may have challenges from time to time, but these challenges are not meant to be the running theme in your life! They should be more like a tiny blip, where you have the experience, and move past it to something better waiting for you on the other side... Struggles in your life can be a welcoming friend, if you know how to use them to propel you forward, rather than holding you back... or worse, stuck!
Yet, this may be where you are in life and may have become a continual frustration for you; your life seems to be one struggle after another... and even though you may "know" that you are better than your struggles and you "see" glimpse of your Higher-Self, the inconsistency or unclarity in its messages, have become to feel more mocking than inspirational.
Or maybe you feel completely abandoned by it all, and you have just decided to discard it as foolishness and go back to "reality" - which we all know is not where we want to be (sometimes "reality" sucks!). The Yo-Yoing back and forth between where you are at the moment and where you may want to be (in the future) is a recipe for continual discontentment and frustration!
Denying yourself of Your Great Potential Within is the equivalent of accepting a Life-Sentence for a crime you never committed!
My goal is to help you truly understand the Formula for Success, as well as to help you discover your True-Empowered-Self. I believe this is where most of us are struggling today, in one way or another we are all trying to become the best that we can be; however with the over abundance of information at our finger-tips, we become overwhelmed and confused and can easily lose sight of our True Purpose. Most of us just continue to bump up against each other and things, hoping to maybe one day discover the golden gem... but it can be so fleeting because of the way we have been taught to deal with the current circumstances of our lives.
We are forced to live in a materialistic society where we are constantly reminded that we are not enough! That something outside of us will be the Golden Ticket to our happiness, but that is where the big lie begins... YOU ARE MORE THAN ENOUGH! You have what it takes to be happy in this lifetime, there are clues all around you and within you to live a life fulfilled. It's really up to you to take the time to discover them.
Begin to take the time (right now!) to honor yourself, every ounce of you for EVERYTHING that you are. Listen to your heart, your deepest sense of you and pay attention to your body, it will serve you to help you discover what you need to know each day to live within your TRUTH which is where your Power lies.
We have so much potential within us, all we need is a little direction and some guidance, you have the answers within you and hold the keys to your own happiness, it's time to move beyond your current circumstance and discover your TRUTH... I'm here to help you unlock it.
I wish you the most, Amazingly Empowered, Abundantly Successful, and Magically Fulfilling Life that is Humanly and Spiritually Possible!!
Life is meant to be Lived Empowered!
Let's Go Have Some Fun!
Jennifer Dazley
"Life's for LIVING! And living is an experience in growth and unfoldment. It is not so important what happens around us or even to us. What counts is what happens in us." Eric Butterworth

Back by popular demand! Our 3 week course to quickly help you discover your True-Authentic-Self and help get you on the road to financial abundance and personal freedom!
This will be a small intense class where we will be working with your roadblocks, belief patterns, alignment, Your Prosperity Consciousness, and so much more! We expect to have BIG Break-throughs helping you eliminate the distance between you & YOU!!
Normally $325 if Paid in Full or $110/wk -- BIG SAVINGS FOR SUMMER!! Only $125 if paid in full 5 Days Before Class!
Hurry only 10 spots left!!! Early participants will recieve a customized Hypnosis Session and Energy Healing!
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