What is Empower YOU Now?
Here at Empowered YOU Now! We believe that there is Great Potential within YOU!
You have the answers within you! Our goal is not so much to change you, but to help you recognize your greatness within, unlearn bad habits and stifling beliefs which no longer serve you, and show you a better way. We're here to provide you with the tools to help you begin to live your Full Potential each day and to support you through your awareness of your Inner Peace, Power, Abundance & Wisdom!
Ever since I was a child I have had this instinctive urge for expansion and growth. To me, the function and duty of a quality human being is the sincere and honest development of one's potential. Bruce Lee
To help Empower You, Inspire You and Guide you to live a more Authentic Life Now! Through, higher awareness, exceptional health, worthy vocation, perfect relationships and an abundance of money. Or in other words, help you live your True-Authentic-Self!! I am committed to continuing to push myself to improve so that I can help others.
My name is Jennifer Dazley and I'm the owner and creator of Empowered YOU Now as well as the many courses, classes and techniques found here within my website. I am also the owner of assisting work at home entreprenuers build, create and market businesses that sings to their soul.
My background is a combination of 30 years experience at being my own boss; working for others both as employee and independent consultant and building both an online and offline successful business. I have been the catalyst to many new start-ups and helped build and manage a team of over 2,000 members in less than 3 months through network marketing, affiliate marketing, CPA offers, and online services. I have helped build successful eBay and Amazon stores as well as taught 100's of business owners how to market their businesses online.
I became an Energetic Healer in 2001, where I began helping and assisting others through several modalities of Reiki, Massage Therapy, Kinesiology, Chakra Cleansing, Herbology, Shiatsu, Reflexology and Polarity. As my online business grew, my focus began to be more in assisting others in developing satisfying home-based businesses, through motivation and inspiring others to always live an Authentic Life...
Last year I stepped away from it all, I had a personal experience that forced me to really face the direction of my life, so I decided to finish my Bachelors degree in Metaphysics and am currently working on my Thesis for my Masters and intend on completing my dissertation for my PhD in Metaphysics and Spiritual Healing within the year. This experience has allowed me to tap into my Higher Self and really come to terms with who I am and how I can best serve others... through this process, I finally discovered the missing pieces that helped me in creating the business that has been on my mind for over two decades!
I am now able to bring everything together that I am passionate about as well as use my experience, and natural, intuitive gifts to help others. During this past year, I made it a point to live each day in the Present NOW through total awareness of who I really am and finding peace in all experiences. Through this daily practice I was able to fine tune my purpose of helping others live better lives by truly understanding that we are meant to do more than survive here on earth, we are here to Thrive!
We have all been given the tools to succeed and reach our FULL POTENTIAL and it has become my mission to: "Empower Others to Know Who They Really Are!" This "mission" inspired me to became a Minister, a certified Holistic Coach, Motivational Speaker, Certified Business Coach, Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner, Certified Hypnotist, a Master Healer, and will soon be an author of several books in Personal Development and Spirituality.
I have taken my education and life's experience in spirituality, money, relationships, health, and business and have designed several courses which I know can truly help you become a better person. I'm very proud and excited to be sharing my classes: Awaken The Soul, Closing The Gap and the new and improved Law Of Attraction classes (we will really get to the bottom of why it may not be working for you and what you can do differently for success). Each class will assist you in finding your purpose and to live each day Empowered!
I also took my experience as a Healer and Energy Worker and redefined what really works and what is just fluff; while adding new techniques that I've personally witnessed enormous change in my life and others... Through my Private Sessions you and I will work on your subconscious blocks, your negative belief patterns, and life-patterns to help get to the core of it all; so you can begin to live the life that you are meant to live... If you are dissatisfied with your job, business or employees, then Spiritual Business Practices is for you.. This is where we will discover the Energy of the Business or your Job and see where it is being blocked and how we can improve your daily work-life...
What I have witnessed is there's a commonality amongst most of my clients. Almost everyone that I work with wants to discover their true purpose so that they can make a difference in the world, yet most don't know where to begin or are confused by conflicting messages, or what it really means. Most of us think that it is this BIG THING that we should be doing, were often times it's something very simple. And I have noticed that we have small purposes to accomplish before we hit the BIG ONE. This is something that I really wanted to get to the bottom to and I'm excited to guide you through my discoveries and seeing you succeed.
"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein
Once I took my leap of faith (last year) and dove into my studies, it's as though everything fell into place. This is one of the most misunderstood things about ourselves that I really want to assist you with... Understanding our purpose, can be the most frightening thing to do! It may be the BIGGEST thing that you must face in order to become your most authentic self... the idea of it may seem so far-fetched that even though you may "like the idea" of it, the "actuality of it" may seem like a dream or daunting. This is where FAITH has to come in: Right now, "YOU DON'T KNOW, WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW." but that doesn't mean that you aren't capable of making it happen! You may not have the right tools today to make it happen, yet it's just a matter of knowing where to find the clues to get you on your way, and the first clue is knowing that you are equipped with the right tools to achieve your dreams,
This is why they're your dreams and can vary slightly from others. Let's use football as an example: maybe your goal isn't to be the star quarterback on the team, but to be the defensive tackle, or maybe you would rather be the coach or strategist, or the team therapist, or maybe you're the die-hard fan, or maybe you want to serve the most amazing food for the team and fans at the stadium, or to create the most aerodynamic football, or to create the most radical souvenirs... As you can see from the examples, everyone of these "roles" contribute to the whole of the game of football and the experience of it - without them all playing their part, football would not be a favored pastime that is today... and none of it matters in the ways of being better or worse than the other, but what does matter is being willing to recognize and claim what's driving you and participating to your best ability! You have talents and gifts that need to be expressed, and shared, so that all can reach the next level of experiences - without a coach, a football player would not reach his full potential and would only get so far within the game before he may decide that it is pointless, with all talents lost or not fully realized.
Who knows what the world is missing by your purpose laying dormant? You may have within you the next big revelation, or you may be that missing link to help complete a movement, or you may be here to spread joy to another, who may be down on their luck... Nothing is too small in the sense of purpose, everything counts and contributes to the BIGGER WHOLE of What IS. And get this.... Once you can accept your purpose as an essential part of you (as in your life's mission) and a part of the WHOLEness of everything, then the Universe will bring to you what you need to succeed and assist you along the way, effortlessly. It's just waiting on YOU!
This also begins the Path to Awakening for you! Your Awakening happens when you begin to understand your purpose and why you are here! Once you have this burning desire in you; this idea, concept or theory, and from the moment you wake up, until you go to bed at night, it's all you think about; you begin to realize that this is where the Gold Lies, this is where your purpose lies and this is the beginning of the beginning. The key is to stop fighting it!
My Awakening happened when I truly began to Embody My Truth (which is the same for all of us!). It wasn't enough anymore for me to just read or listen to inspiring information, and go about my day with my positive affirmations amongst the (perceived) chaos encircling around me. This (pseudo behavior) just kept me in a vicious cycle of poverty, sickness and loneliness, with a miserable smile on my face!
Once I began to Embody The Truth, things began to happen to me that are hard to explain to the average person. But I knew that everything else that I had studied before this was just costume jewelry compared to the Truth that I was witnessing within me, and the person that I was becoming from the inside out.
Most people wouldn't believe the difference in my life from several years ago to today, but I'm a completely different person. Where I once struggled in relationships, finances, health & spirituality (and I mean pushed to every limit!) I now have Flow, Ease, Peacefulness and an Abundance in everything I want and do. I also now understand how simple it is to be a part of this Bigger Picture! We make things so much harder than it needs to be.
We have been taught that life is meant to be hard, and that we must struggle to get ahead or to be accepted amongst social circles. But I have found the opposite to be true; once I stopped choosing struggle as my reaction to my life, and decided to no longer react to my circumstances (with any negative emotion), something switched in me and my life now is smooth, in control and each day is an opportunity to discover more and more about myself. That doesn't mean to imply that I don't have struggles in my life, because I do, but now they don't feel so much like struggles, but are more like experiences that have arrived to push me further and they're no longer the main event of my experiences, affecting everything else, dominating every minute with it's delusions...
The bottom line is this, I know that I don't have all of the answers to the Universe, no one ever will. But I now have the answers to me and who I am - and my part in this great BIG world. And that is worth everything that I have been through and more and this is what I want to help you experience!
I look forward in assisting you on your journey of Self-Discovery and a Life Empowered! Please reach out to me today so we can begin your Awakening! The Universe and your Happiness is waiting...
Everyone has inside of him a piece of good news. The good news is that you don't know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is! Anne Frank

Jennifer Dazley, Specializing in Holistic Life Counseling. LOA Practitioner, Certified Hypnotherapist, Energy/REIKI Master, Intuitive Energy Healer, Creator of Spiritual Business Practices and Your Energetic Business, and soon to be author of several self-help and Spirituality books.

It’s time to Stand Up & Embody Yourself! You are not doing anyone any favors by staying quiet. Your Voice, Spirit and Uniqueness needs to be discovered and Expressed. We're in a time where we can be so easily exposed. But at the end of the day, what does it matter if someone doesn't agree with you, or like you, or sing the same tune as you? Your staying small only perpetuates the problem that we all face today - Accepting Fear as our Reality! BE BOLD, BE STRONG! BE YOU!

It's time to take responsibility for YOU! Self-Discovery is an amazing thing. It is what you came here for and so much more! True Living Begins when you understand YOU and your Purpose! Be willing to Know the Truth of who you are and what your part is in this world. Let the Games Begin! :)

If you're waiting for permission to live the life of your dreams, then you're in luck! You've come to the right place... I give you full permission to Go For It! :) Now it's your turn... Do you give yourself permission to live the life of your dreams?

It’s time to Stand Up & Embody Yourself! You are not doing anyone any favors by staying quiet. Your Voice, Spirit and Uniqueness needs to be discovered and Expressed. We're in a time where we can be so easily exposed. But at the end of the day, what does it matter if someone doesn't agree with you, or like you, or sing the same tune as you? Your staying small only perpetuates the problem that we all face today - Accepting Fear as our Reality! BE BOLD, BE STRONG! BE YOU!