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Energy/Life Healing

Energy/Life Healing

Energy Healing/ Life Purpose Consultation

Energy Sessions

Energy Sessions

Remote Energy Healing - Good For What Ails Ya!

Law Of Attraction

Law Of Attraction

Understand How IT Really Works!

Spiritual Business Consulting

Spiritual Business Consulting

Are you in the right business for your soul?

Hypnosis Sessions

Hypnosis Sessions

Removing Blocks & Opening a New Path

Awaken Your Soul

Awaken Your Soul

Discover Who YOU Really Are...

Private Consultations:

This Page is here to give you a more thorough description of my services. If you are wanting to schedule a consultation or sign-up for a course, please click on the title of the service and it will redirect you to my services page. Or click on the Services Tab.

Private Consultations of your choice. 


Energy Healing/Life-Purpose: $95/session ($75 if you're an AYN student)

An extension of my Awaken YOU Now 3-week course - even though this is not a requirement, if you haven't taken the course, our first session will primarily involve laying a foundation of this course, so we will be able to uncover your purpose more easily. What makes this consultation unique is that we will be working with the conscious and subconscious mind as well as working with any emotional or energetic roadblocks. This will include deciphering your dreams and hunches, recurring life lessons or themes and diving into your soul. I recommend a minimum of 3 sessions to ensure best results, after our initial consultation, we will have a better idea of how many sessions will be optimum for you.

Remote Energy Healing: $95/session

Good For What Ails Ya! This begins with a simple consultation where we will discuss your current concerns, so I will know where to focus. This is a very effective technique, however depending on the type of healing required, it may require several sessions or a plan to work together. I have found that the best healings take place when you are an active participant. Don't worry though, this varies from person to person and can be something as simple as drinking more water. During our first consultation, we will get to know each other and create the best plan for you. Once we have agreed upon a plan, you will receive a Remote Energy Healing Attunement, with a follow-up appointment. 

Law Of Attraction On Steroids! $195/session - Ask about the Group Discount!

Law Of Attraction On Steroids! So let's face it! This whole Law Of Attraction stuff is just too frustrating! You know on some deeper level that this LOA is legit, however, you just can't seem to get the pieces to work together the right way to get it to work for you!! Maybe you've had a few "demonstrations" on smaller things, but you just can't seem to get it to work for you on a consistent basis or for the GOOD Stuff! Like More Money, the Right Mate or maybe Better Health. "The Secret" was a great teaser of the possibilities of the LOA. But now you're ready to take it to the next level! If you're ready to start living a life of what most would consider "magical" then this is for you! 

Spiritual Business Practices - Price TBD

Are You In The Right Business For Your Soul? This coincides with your purpose, but so much more! Whether you're a small business, large business or just know that you want to be your own boss. We will work together and tackle your biggest challenges and roadblocks while working on the Energetic Soul & Rhythm of your business... Believe it or not your company, products and employees all contribute to the energetic power of your business and it's day to day functioning and success. If your business (or team) is in crisis, we will create an Energetic Healing around you and your business (team), so that you can move forward in the most optimum way. This is on a case by case basis and the Initial Consultation is Free. Once we speak, we will be able to decide the next best step for you.

Hypnosis/Energetic Healing Sessions $145/session

Removing Blocks & Opening a New Path - One on One Hypnosis sessions within my office are preferred, however with the way that our world is evolving and connecting, we have the ability to have sessions via the internet through Google Hangout, Skype and other methods which will work best for you. What sets this apart from just listening to a pre-recorded mp3 or CD, is that I will be healing you energetically as well as customizing my services to meet your concerns. Assisting Mind, Body & Spirit for Success! You will have personalized sessions which you will be able to listen to between our sessions each day and afterwards, solidifying our efforts, and rapidly improving your results. Depending on your concerns, I highly recommend a minimum of 3-6 sessions and will gladly provide a discount if all sessions are paid in full during the initial session.

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