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WHY Metaphysics?

"To provide a space for personal self-discovery, with the ability to minister and teach others."


  1. the branch of philosophy that deals with first principles and seeks to explain the nature of being or reality (ontology) and of the origin and structure of the universe (cosmology): it is also closely associated with the study of the nature of knowledge (epistemology)

  2. speculative philosophy in general

  3. esoteric, often mystical or theosophical, lore

  4. the theory or principles (of some branch of knowledge)

  5. POPULARLY any very subtle or difficult reasoning

Webster's New World College Dictionary Copyright © 2010 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio. Used by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Why Metaphysics?

In a Nutshell.... after many years of research in the world of Spirituality and Empowerment, I found most theories and dogmas to be too self-defining and restricted; it was through the study of Metaphysics that I was forced to go deeper than what was being taught (in a Sunday sermon), and really discover complete Freedom, Truth and Self-Expression. I am no longer limited to one modality or way of thinking. I am now able to explore all possibilities without having to "belong" to any religion, limiting thoughts, irrelevant processes or stagnant beliefs.


Once I began to realize that we are ALL ONE... that you are an extension of me and I of you, then the desire to "belong" to something dissolved with all it's limitations of separation, and my desires to stake a claim on anything as being ME, My Identity, or My Existence, all just seems too confining and irrelevant. I believe our true "job" in life should be to discover our TRUTH; which is understanding that redemption isn't found through a certain religion or spiritual concept, but rather that we are here to have experiences, understanding that God (The Universe, The Infinite) is the one experiencing life through us and we are only a vessel for this exchange of energy.  The study of Metaphysics opens the door to all possibilities, without any limitations or restrictions, it forces you to know God, and your purpose in this Great Big Universe, without just taking someone's word for it...

"This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness." Dalai Lama


Copied Directly From the website:

"What Is Metaphysics in Today's World?

In a more absolute sense, we like to think of Metaphysics as dealing with the basic questions of life, the relationship of man, mind and the universe. This leads to answers to the age-old questions of anyone who has truly paused to reflect on life: "Who am I? What am I? Where have I been? And, where am I going?"

The word Metaphysics comes to us from Ancient Greece, a combination of two words: Metameaning over or beyond and physics meaning the physical, material world.  Thus, the combination refers to such concerns that are beyond or transcend the material world. In the common way of speaking, such questions are considered religious, spiritual, or possibly philosophical, depending on the person asking them.

Purpose: The Path of Truth

Metaphysical beliefs, therefore, are the result of passionate endeavors to find purpose in our human existence, searching for a balanced interpretation and explanation of how things really are and what we are. A person could be considered metaphysical if his or her focus is on an experiential, subjective path of truth, seeking the true essence of Being that is in alignment with the Highest Truth and Love, regardless of the name given.

Metaphysics contributes a fundamental level of understanding derived from experience and advanced intuitive knowing on how things “really are.” However, when considered from the spiritual perspective, Metaphysics is not only the pursuit of Truth; it also offers service to the greater good of humankind.

Ultimate Truth, God, or Awakening

At the University of Metaphysics and University of Sedona, Metaphysical teachings are based on over half a century of Dr. Paul Leon Masters’ research on consciousness and mysticism; Dr. Masters’ teachings emphasize the individual’s search for and discovery of Ultimate Truth, God, or Awakening within the center or nucleus of the human mind, heart, or inner self—the experience of which leads to the awakening of life-improving potentials in the individual person and society collectively.

The Definition of Metaphysics in Dictionaries

In contrast to these constructs, the definition of metaphysics found in most dictionaries or universities indicates that it refers to a branch of Philosophy that deals with First Cause(s) and the true Nature of Being. That subject, often under the label of “Speculative Philosophy,” is taught in philosophy departments of most academic universities today. The focus there is the search for objective truth about existence through the rules of reasoned discourse and argument. As such, this pursuit fundamentally rules out those answers found subjectively or by way of the inner self. (For more information about this course of study, consult the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.)

Fields of Interest in Metaphysics

In the everyday world, however, today the word metaphysics encompasses many fields of interest. When one expresses an interest in Metaphysics (sometimes referred to as New Age subjects), that interest may be in any one or a combination of the following subjects: Spirituality, Mysticism, Awakening, Life after Death, the Soul, Reincarnation, Meditation, Yoga, Extra-Sensory Perception, Dreams, Jungian Psychology, Parapsychology, Astrology, Self-Help Studies, Positive Thinking, Near-Death Experiences, to name the most popular.

Spiritual and Experiential Exploration of Reality

The common denominator of these and all similar subjects deals with a spiritual and experiential exploration of Reality that will likely not be provable by science or rationalistic argument, although in some cases science is currently being used by some to find support that such experiences actually exist. Still, the basic denominator is the search for truth, purpose, and meaning in life, which metaphysicians believe can be found through spiritual questions and personal experiences (such as when meditating). In a more absolute sense, we like to think of Metaphysics as dealing with the basic questions of life asked by anyone who has truly paused to reflect on earthly existence—whether, for example, there is a meaning or purpose to life; whether there are universal truths that can be found or proven; whether God exists; whether humans have a soul, and if so, why; whether pain and loneliness are inevitable in life; whether one can truly find the way to happiness."

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